nothing to see here

everyday i'm buffering

In 2021 I was virtual resident at the National Centre for Writing, UK, in Norwich. I spent my residency watching Norwich through the Hawk & Owl Peregrine Cam on top of Norwich Cathedral, writing poems about the city through this high-point of surveillance.
The theme of the residency was Imagining the City, and it was a joy and a privilege to spend time in imaginings with Lynn Buckle, Vahni Capildeo, Valur Gunnarsson and Marcin Wilk, as well as in conversation with Megan Bradbury and Tiffany Atkinson. I held a workshop for the Lit from the Inside group and contributed writing prompts and a walking tour to the Imagining the City archive. 

Meet the world:the view from afar with Megan Bradbury and Marcin Wilk for the National Centre for Writing UK

An interview about our Imagining the World projects on our virtual residencies 2021


The Writing Life podcast with Tiffany Atkinson

As part of my 2021 virtual residency at the National Centre for Writing, UK, I got to talk with Tiffany Atkinson about my poems.

nothing to see here

Read the short poem collection I wrote during my residency